buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Football Fun Game style.css header class hero nav div Football Fun class logo div class nav-links a How to Play href #how-to-play a Start Game class cta-button href #game main section id how-to-play class instructions h2 How to Play p Kick the ball to score goals! The player with the most goals wins. The loser takes a fun football quiz! section id game class game-container div class scoreboard h3 Scoreboard div class scores div Player 1 class player-score span 0 div Player 2 class player-score span 0 div class field div class ball div class goal-left div class goal-right div class controls button Kick Left class kick-button id kick-left button Kick Right class kick-button id kick-right section id quiz class quiz-container h2 Football Quiz div class question div class options button Next Question class next-button footer div class footer-content p Made with ❤️ for football fans everywhere. script.js